An intriguing enquiry this week came
from someone whose forebear, Alfred Priest, committed suicide in
1905. His descendant tracked him through the censuses, to find him
married to Annie and living with their children up to the 1891
census. In 1901, however, Annie Priest is alone with their children
and still listed as ‘married’, while Alfred is living with
another woman whom he lists as his ‘wife’!
The 1905 death certificate issued by
Steyning Registry Office records that Alfred Priest committed suicide
at “The Lady Brooke at Beeding”. I realised straight away that
this must be Upper Beeding, as Lower Beeding lies well outside the
Steyning Registration district.
Our enquirer asked whether “The Lady
Brooke” might be an institution. In trying to find any clues
online, I discovered that that there were a number of individuals
known as ‘The Lady Brooke’, who had lived in other parts of the
country at different times, but the wording on the death certificate
doesn’t seem to suggest a person. So I looked further, Googling
several varieties of wording, with no luck.
Next, I asked our knowledgeable curator
at Steyning Museum, whether he knew of an Upper Beeding institution
or house in around 1905, called ‘The Lady Brooke’. He didn’t,
which strongly suggests that no such institution existed. However,
he looked pensive.
“Do you have any other ideas?” I
“I think the locals used to call the
streams around Upper Beeding ‘the brooks’. Maybe it’s
something to do with that.’
This was a revelation to me, being a
Steyning resident of only nine years. So I called Pat Nightingale,
Upper Beeding historian, and asked her. She immediately knew the
“Yes, there’s an area of streams or
brooks, north of Upper Beeding, that are sometimes still referred to
as the Brooks. Some have names. One of them used to be a bend in
the river, cut off now. It encloses a small field and together they
were known as the ‘Lady Brook’.
Well that was it, of course. Not an
institution, nor even a person, but a place, away from any
habitation, rural and alone, where a man from outside this immediate
area went to choose a place to end his life. At first I assumed he
drowned himself, but on further enquiry I discovered that “Alfred
slit his throat with a razor during a period of temporary insanity.”
Was he a bigamist perhaps? At the very
least he seems to have deliberately deceived the census enumerator
who recorded the details Alfred told him. Presumably he also
deceived his wife, who clearly believed herself still to be married
to him. If Alfred could live one lie, what else might he have
hidden? What really caused him to commit suicide in that violent way
and in that lonely place?
Alfred’s descendant is now going to
try and find a record of his inquest. Perhaps that will shed more
light on why he did it ... or maybe we’ll never really know.
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